Signed in as:
Signed in as:
By joining Temple Beth Shalom, you help to create and support a community of Jews of all ages and backgrounds who share a common vision. Your membership contribution makes the work of our dynamic community possible. You are welcome to attend any of our Shabbat services, community functions and other events listed on our calendar. We look forward to meeting you!
Feel free to explore our website to get to know more about us. Call our office and one of us will be happy to contact you to respond to any questions you may have. Should you find our community to be welcoming and “a good fit,” we invite you to consider becoming a member. We sincerely believe that TBS is a special place to belong and hope that you will find your Jewish spiritual home here.
Please note that there is an additional fee for Sunday School students and for preparation for B’nai Mitzvah. These are reviewed each year by Temple Beth Shalom leadership. Please contact the Office for questions regarding the current fees for the coming year.
Traditional membership units are assessed an annual fee for three years to help with the ongoing maintenance of our building. This provides an investment into the long-term preservation of Temple Beth Shalom. The building maintenance fees are set by our Bylaws.
Year 1: $250
Year 2: $125
Year 3: $125
Please contact the office in July for acquiring additional seats for High Holiday Services, above the seats that come with your membership. Although we have not yet set the price for additional seats in the coming year, our recent policy has been to make it relatively easy for perspective members to attend High Holiday services with us.
If you have any questions regarding our policies on membership, Sunday School, or other membership-related issues, please contact our office.